Monday, January 26, 2015

Fabulous Finds at Value Village!!

  One day I thought I would test my son, to see if I could actually shop for clothing with him. If I could shop without him whining, arguing or a meltdown...then he would earn some time on his game at home.

  Well, an hour and three fabulous finds later we left the store. I was shocked how he pushed the cart for me and remained quiet while I took my sweet time looking through the clothes.

  Then he patiently waited while I was in the change room. He was very polite and attentive with me. This completely surprised me. But then, when there is a game involved in the bribe, anything is possible!

  Here are the three gorgeous items I purchased that day. They are in perfect condition and I absolutely love them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Feel Awesome Today!

Studies have shown we need a sufficient amount of Vitamin D to be strong and healthy. One great way is to use a Full Spectrum Lamp. My lamp was purchased about five years ago and I use it almost everyday, even during the summer months!
Costco has a great floor lamp with full spectrum light at a reasonable price. There are two settings, 'high' for when you use it during the day and 'low' for the evening hours.
Do a bit of research and get yourself a full spectrum light. You will feel like you spent a bit of time at the beach!  (verilux lamp info)